Cinnabon Menu Prices

Cinnabon Menu Prices.

The Cinnabon menu prices are updated for 2023.
Please be aware, that Cinnabon prices and availability of menu items can vary from location to location.

About Cinnabon.

Cinnabon is a US-based chain of baked goods stores and kiosks, often found in malls, airports and by bus stops. More than 1,200 Cinnabon bakeries are in operation 48 countries. The Cinnabon Headquarters is in Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States.

Cinnabon is co-owned by Focus Brands, an affiliate of private equity firm Roark Capital Group.

Cinnabon Menu Prices – Updated.


Baked Treats

Cinnabon Classic Roll$3.76
Caramel Pecanbon Roll$4.71
Center of the Roll$3.30
Cinnabon Stix5 Pc.$3.29
Cinnabon Stix10 Pc.$5.49
CinnaSweeties5 Pc.$2.49
CinnaSweeties10 Pc.$3.99
Cinnabon Bites4 Pc.$3.29
Extra Frosting$0.71

Baked Treats

CinnaPack – Pre-Packed & Ready To Heat
Cinnabon Classic4 Rolls$12.99
Cinnabon Classic6 Rolls$17.45
Caramel Pecanbon4 Rolls$16.99
Caramel Pecanbon6 Rolls$22.99
Combo (Classic or Caramel Pecanbon)4 Rolls$14.99
Combo (Classic or Caramel Pecanbon)6 Rolls$20.99
MiniBon9 Rolls$14.99
MiniBon15 Rolls$21.99

Sweet Sips

Chillattas (Oreo, Cinnamon Roll Coffee, Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry, Strawberry Banana or Tropical BlastRegular$4.71
Chillattas (Oreo, Cinnamon Roll Coffee, Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry, Strawberry Banana or Tropical BlastLarge$5.65
MochaLatta ChillRegular$4.71
MochaLatta ChillLarge$5.65
Cinnamon Roll Iced CoffeeRegular$2.99
Cinnamon Roll Iced CoffeeLarge$3.58
Vanilla Iced CoffeeRegular$2.99
Vanilla Iced CoffeeLarge$3.58
Cinnabon Signature CoffeeRegular$1.65
Cinnabon Signature CoffeeLarge$1.88
Soft DrinkLarge$1.79
Raspberry LemonadeRegular$3.30
Raspberry LemonadeLarge$3.77
Chocolate MilkLarge$1.89
Hot ChocolateLarge$2.36
Hot TeaLarge$1.69

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The prices listed are the national averages. Prices can vary from restaurant to restaurant.

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