Mount Berry Square Mall Rome GA Hours

Mount Berry Square Mall Rome GA Hours of Operation.

General opening hours and holiday hours of operation.

Note, that most stores have reduced hours on Sundays.

Mount Berry Square Mall Rome GA Holiday Hours ~ Open or Closed?

Mount Berry Mall retailers are generally OPEN on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (MLK Day), Valentine’s Day, Presidents Day, Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday, St. Patrick’s Day, Tax Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Black Friday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve.

The majority of Mount Berry Mall stores are closed on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday and Thanksgiving Day. Stores close early on Christmas Eve and on New Year’s Eve.

Some department stores (Macy’s, Walmart, Sears, Best Buy) are open LATE on Thanksgiving Day from 5 PM or 6 PM until Midnight. Many restaurant chains (IHOP, Denny’s, Golden Corral, Waffle House, Home Town Buffet, Cracker Barrel, and more) also remain open on Thanksgiving Day and on Christmas Day.

General Mall Hours ~ What Time does the Mall Open/Close Today?

Restaurant and department store hours may vary.

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sunday Noon-6:00 PM

Mount Berry Mall operates EXTENDED opening hours on Black Friday and REDUCED hours on Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day. The mall has EXTENDED hours in the holiday period between the Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas Eve. We recommend that you call ahead to your preferred Mount Berry Mall stores to confirm their holiday opening hours.

DISCLAIMER: Holiday hours and opening hours listed here are generally up-to-date, but some locations, especially outlets located in malls and airports, may have differing opening hours.

Add Your Feedback – Comments and Complaints.

We encourage you to add corrections, comments, or company complaints, in the comment section below.

Mount Berry Square Mall Rome GA Hours – 2022/2023.

2 thoughts to “Mount Berry Square Mall Rome GA Hours”

  1. Can you please send me information about current deals and coupons and other specials thanks. Im looking a coupon page on your companyhomepage but I cannot find one.

  2. My adult daughter and I went to Q nail the first weekend of Dec. The elderly lady that does pedicures did a wonderful job; however, from there it went down hill quickly. The young man that did my daughters nails was not interested in his job. There were two young women “playing” in chair next to him. The one with the pony tail kept grabbing is nail tools and working (?) on young teen female across from her. Then they began throwing fake nails at each other, bouncing some off my daughters face. The boy doing her nails kept laughing with them and was he was through, my daughter had wrong color and he did not even say he was through. When we left the three of them were dancing around their area. The young man that did my nails, who calls himself the manager, immediately joined in when we left. I did tell them how they did not do their job but my daughter simply told them we would pay, leave, and never come back. They had no reaction and went back to dancing. Teens should not be allowed to manage a business like this. We will not return to this store ever again.

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